Shore Shaper Surf Co.

The app that guides surfers from every level to create the perfect custom surfboard, with tips and tricks along the way.

All content, app design, illustrations, logo work and additional designs created by Rory Leadbeater

Project Overview

Shore Shaper is a mobile application designed to revolutionize the way surfers create their custom surfboards. By integrating personalized recommendations and educational content, Shore Shaper aims to empower users to make informed decisions about their surfboard design, tailored to their skill level and surfing conditions.

The Problem Statement

Surfing enthusiasts often struggle to find the right surfboard that suits their individual preferences and skill level. Existing options lack personalized guidance and educational resources, leaving users feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about their choices.

Project Goals

Empower users to design custom surfboards that align with their skill level, preferences, and surfing conditions.

Provide educational content and tips to guide users in understanding the nuances of surfboard design and selection.

Enhance user experience by offering a seamless interface for creating, customizing, and ordering surfboards.

User Problems

  • Lack of knowledge about surfboard design and its impact on surfing performance.

  • Difficulty in finding surfboards that match individual skill levels and surfing conditions.

  • Tedious process of customizing surfboards without personalized guidance.

Possible Solutions

Integrate a surfboard recommendation engine based on user inputs such as skill level, wave conditions, and preferences.

Provide educational content through articles, videos, and interactive tutorials to educate users about surfboard design principles and surfing techniques.

Implement intuitive design tools with real-time feedback to assist users in customizing their surfboards effectively.

Understanding the Problem

To gain insights into user needs and preferences, we conducted extensive research, including user interviews, surveys, and market analysis. We discovered that surfers often struggle with the complexity of surfboard design and lack access to personalized guidance when selecting a board. Additionally, users expressed a desire for educational resources to improve their understanding of surfboard dynamics and surfing techniques.


User Interviews: Conducted interviews with surfers of varying skill levels to understand their experiences, challenges, and preferences in selecting surfboards.

Surveys: Distributed surveys to a wider audience to gather quantitative data on surfing habits, preferences, and the decision-making process when choosing surfboards.

Market Analysis: Studied existing surfboard customization platforms and competitor applications to identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for differentiation.

The Design Process

Research & Discovery: Conducted user research to understand user needs, pain points, and preferences.

Ideation & Conceptualization: Brainstormed ideas and concepts for the app's features and functionality.

Prototyping & Testing: Developed prototypes to visualize the app's interface and conducted usability testing to gather feedback.

Iterative Design: Incorporated user feedback and iterated on the design to enhance usability and user experience.

User Personas

Jake, the Enthusiastic Beginner

  • Age: 23

  • Occupation: Student

  • Experience: Novice surfer, recently started surfing

  • Goals: Improve surfing skills, find a suitable surfboard for beginners

  • Pain Points: Lack of knowledge about surfboard types, unsure about which board to choose

Sarah, the Experienced Surfer

  • Age: 35

  • Occupation: Marketing Manager

  • Experience: Intermediate surfer, been surfing for several years

  • Goals: Upgrade surfboard to enhance performance, learn more about advanced surfboard designs

  • Pain Points: Difficulty in finding a surfboard that matches her skill level and surfing preferences

App Screen Mockup

Theres more!

Click below to see more about the branding side of this UIUX project!